Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Cannabis saved my baby's life: Mother claims daughter made miracul


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The mother of a toddler who was sent home from hospital to die claims her daughter is now making a miraculous recovery thanks to cannabis.

Rachael Garner, 33, was told by doctors that her daughter Nettie Raenetta – who suffers with cerebral palsy and epilepsy – had just a few days to live after she fell ill with pneumonia.

But in a desperate act to save her daughter’s life, Ms Garner fed her cannabis oil after reading articles and medical journals which described it as a cure.

Daily Mail

And to the astonishment of doctors, Ms Garner, a qualified pharmacy technician, claims 19-month-old Nettie has made a remarkable recovery in just one month.

Ms Garner, a mother-of-four from Pensacola, near Florida, US said she was in ‘such disbelief’ when doctors told her there was nothing more they could do for her daughter, and that she should go home to die ‘peacefully’.

And to the astonishment of doctors, Ms Garner, a qualified pharmacy technician, claims 19-month-old Nettie has made a remarkable recovery in just one month.

Ms Garner, a mother-of-four from Pensacola, near Florida, US said she was in ‘such disbelief’ when doctors told her there was nothing more they could do for her daughter, and that she should go home to die ‘peacefully’.

She said: ‘I couldn’t believe it, they didn’t even give her a chance.

‘I knew cannabis had helped others and after doing some research myself, I was convinced that this treatment would not only be the best option, but the safest.’

Mr Garner said ‘just days’ after giving Nettie cannabis, her colour came back.

She said: ‘It was like she woke up.

‘It made such a drastic change, the expression of happiness on her face was astounding.’

Nettie was born with severe Hydrocephalus – a rare genetic brain disorder which caused her head to swell with massive water instead of brain tissue. But other than having an underdeveloped brain, she was born at full term and was otherwise healthy.

But Nettie’s lack of brain matter posed major health risks and within weeks she was stricken by a catalogue of major disorders including epilepsy, cerebral palsy, developmental delay and partial blindness and paralysis.

From that point she then suffered from five different types of violent seizures and at times has been totally dependent on a life support machine to stay alive.

Ms Garner said she had heard about the medical properties of cannabis oil, but hadn’t previously considered it because she lived in a state where the drug is ‘outlawed, prohibited and demonized’.

Of her decision to use the drug, she said: ‘Many are putting forth effort to fight and change the laws but Nettie could not wait any longer.’

When Ms Garner had all but given up hope of Nettie surviving, she got in touch with Stephen Carmen of Carmen CBD Oils, a cancer and epilepsy treatment foundation which helps families that can’t afford medicine to obtain free cannabis oils.

She was supplied with cannabidiol, a compound in cannabis that no traces of tetrahydrocannabinol, better known as THC, – the psychoactive compound in marijuana.

Nettie took her first dose on July 2 and since then, Ms Garner claims that the toddler’s seizures have stopped entirely and she is even able to hold the weight of her own head.

Ms Garner said: ‘There is no doubt in my mind Nettie would be dead today if it wasn’t for Carmen CBD Oils reaching out to me to help.

‘She is grabbing, playing and even interacting with moaning and coos, which is incredible.

‘We have a long way to go, but I’m willing and she is still fighting.’

Dr. Bonni Goldstein, medical director at Canna-Centers a medical practice dedicated to educating patients on the use of Cannabis for serious and chronic medical conditions, said in the six years as a medical cannabis physician he had ‘witnessed incredible results’.

Dr Goldstein said cannabis had helped patients with multiple sclerosis, cancer, epilepsy, chronic and severe pain conditions, amongst many others, and patients were now seeing medical cannabis as a ‘real option’.

As of June this year Medical marijuana is reportedly legal in 23 US states.

In Florida, a bill known as the ‘Charlotte’s Web Medical Hemp Act 2014′ was signed and passed on June 16, allowing patients to use a strain of the drug to treat conditions such as epilepsy, Lou Gehrig’s Disease and cancer.

The bill was named after seven-year-old Colorado girl, Charlotte Figi, who suffers from a rare form of epilepsy called Dravet syndrome.

Her parents are reported to be successfully treating her debilitating seizures with a strain of high-CBD, low-THC medical cannabis, called Charlotte’s web.


The use of medical cannabis and pure cannabidiol – an active substance in the cannabis plant – for neurologic conditions is controversial.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, has medicinal properties, but does not provide the ‘high’ associated with the drug.

It is thought the CBD quiets the excessive electrical and chemical activity in the brain that causes seizures.

Research carried out at Denver Health Medical Centre in the U.S. discusses a child with a severe form of epilepsy given cannabis in conjunction with anti-epileptic medication.

The child went from suffering 50 convulsions a day to around night-time convulsions per month, doctors say.

However some research has suggested that medical marijuana, when given to epilepsy patients, can cause anxiety, schizophrenia and addiction.

Medical cannabis has also been used to treat people with MS, post-traumatic stress disorder and nerve pain.

It is also used to alleviate nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients.


A rise in cannabis use among American teenagers over the past 20 years has no significant tie to the legalisation of the drug for medical use in many states, according to new research.

Comparing surveys of cannabis use by adolescents conducted annually by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers found the probability that a high schooler had used the drug in the last 30 days was no more than 0.8 per cent higher in legal states compared to states that had not approved medical cannabis.

Researchers from Montana State University said their results proved that the legisation of medical cannabis did not increase the use of the drug among teenagers.

Twenty-one states and the District of Columbia have legalised the use of cannabis for medical purposes, while two states, Colorado and Washington, now allow recreational use.

Alaska and Oregon are set to vote on legalisation for recreational use in November, while supporters of full legalisation in the nation’s capital say they have enough signatures to put the measure on the ballot.

Cannabis remains illegal under federal law.



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Cannabis saved my baby's life: Mother claims daughter made miracul

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