Saturday, 1 November 2014

Pot shop challenges city's ban on retail marijuana

CLARKSTON, Wash. (AP) – A Clarkston, Wash., attorney sued the city and four city councilors who voted to prohibit retail marijuana sales within the city limits. And he did it in a Jedi costume.
Rick Laws says the city’s ban is unconstitutional. He filed the Halloween motion on behalf of Canna4life LLC, which is scheduled to open Nov. 25, provided the business can submit a retail marijuana license to the state of Washington.
The Lewiston Tribune reports the moratorium on recreational marijuana sales within the Clarkston city limits will expire at the end of this month. Washington legalized recreational marijuana in 2012.
The lawsuit also seeks a statement from the court declaring a ban on marijuana sales unconstitutional.
Local efforts to ban retail marijuana shops have been launched in Colorado and Oregon.


Pot shop challenges city's ban on retail marijuana

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