Sunday, 31 August 2014

Cannabis Oil: A Chemotherapy Alternative

 There has been a lot of attention, as well as a growing awareness, as of late as to the use of cannabis for a treatment, even a possible cure, for cancer. Several studies, over the past few years, have shown, without a doubt, the anti-tumor effects of this plant. The compounds within cannabis (which are called cannabinoids; activate certain receptors in the body, which then causes the body to produce even more compounds called endocannabinoids. These compounds play an extremely important role in helping the body create a healthy environment.

As of today, chemotherapy and radiation are the only two treatments approved for cancer. The American people should be aware that other options do exist. As always, people should make their choice for themselves after doing some extensive research.

Photo credit: bigstock

A great number of people have used this treatment to cure their own cancer. There is even a 9 year old girl who used cannabis to cure her own leukemia. If you google this subject, you will see that there are numerous “self” studies done where everyday people cured their own cancers using cannabis. make sure that cannabis is not laced with pesticides.

As more people become aware of the vast healing powers of this plant, the next question asked is, how is it used? If you check out the young girl’s article listed here on her Facebook page. You can click on the case study embedded within the article. This is one place to start.

Another option is to visit Rick Simpson’s Hemp Oil. Rick is a medical marijuana activist who loves to provide people with information regarding how to use hemp oil medications. He speaks from experience, as Rick cured his own metastatic skin cancer back in 2003.

SEE ALSO: Have People used Baking Soda to Treat Cancer for 10 Cents?

Rick’s hemp oil recipe starts with one ounce of the herb, fully dried. One ounce of the dried herb typically makes 3-4 grams of oil; however this will vary from plant to plant. One full pound of dried material should make two ounces of oil.

1. Be sure the material is completely dry and place it in a plastic bucket.

2. Slightly dampen the material with a solvent such as butane, ether, 99 percent isopropyl alcohol, something similar. For one ounce of material, 500ml of solvent is sufficient. For one pound of material, two gallons of solvent will be required.

3. Crush the material using a clean wooden stick, or some other similar type of device. Even though the material is damp, it should still be pretty easy to crush because it is dry.

4. Continue to crush up the material while adding your solvent until the material is completely covered and is thoroughly soaked. Stir the mixture for about 3 minutes. This allows the THC to move from the plant into the solvent.

5. Now pour the solvent mixture off the plant and into another bucket. Using a sieve is good for this purpose. You should now have two buckets, one with solvent, and one with the wet material. You now have removed about 80 percent of the THC from the plant.

6. Wash the material again. Crush and rub the material for another three minutes to extract as much of the THC as possible.

7. Pour this solvent mix into the same bucket as the first solvent mix.

8. Discard the plant material.

9. Pour the solvent mixture through a coffee filter and into a clean container.

10. Now you need to boil off the solvent. Don’t use stoves, even electric stoves, and don’t light cigarettes as many solvents are extremely flammable. Rice cookers work very well for this purpose.

Add the solvent to your rice cooker until it is about ¾ full and turn it on high. Set up a fan or use the rice cooker outside to carry away the fumes. If you have more solvent, you can continue to add more mixture to the cooker as your solvent evaporates.

11. As the level in the rice cooker decreases for the last time, add a few drops of water. This helps release the last of the solvent residue and will protect your oil from becoming too hot.

12. When it looks like the solvent has been boiled off, turn the cooker to low.

13. Pour the oil into a stainless steel container.

14. Place the stainless steel container in a dehydrator or on some other type of very low heating device such as a coffee cup warmer. This might take a couple hours, but the water and volatile solvents will finally be evaporated from the oil. When you no longer see any surface activity on the surface of the oil, it’s ready for use.

15. When the oil cools completely, it resembles a type of thick grease. You can use a syringe to move the oil from the stainless steel container to any other container you like.

Dosage information varies greatly, so please do your research and always consult your doctor before you attempt anything. Always be certain that you understand how everything works and how it all works together.



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Cannabis Oil: A Chemotherapy Alternative

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