Monday, 31 March 2014

Gone Hemp: Miss Mustard Seed's Hemp Oil Wood Finish (review)

Just like new “kicks” can revive a tired fitness routine, a good furniture-care product can help make housekeeping an easier chore.

Miss Mustard Seed’s Hemp Oil Wood Finish fits the bill. “Miss Mustard Seed” is a home-design blogger and Internet entrepreneur named Marion. She’s turned stories and tips from her thrift-store redecorating adventures into a business. Now the Miss Mustard Seed brand includes milk-based furniture paint, antique wax, brushes and more.

Marion developed her 100 percent natural Hemp Oil Wood Finish as a protective, water-resistant top coat for raw and painted wood pieces. Users will recognize the nutty, grassy hemp scent of this furniture oil, as opposed to the chemical smell of more common solvent-based wood cleaners.

In her online video tutorial about using Hemp Oil Wood Finish, Miss Mustard Seed says one to three coats of the product will restore luster to older furniture, and keep new and newly-refinished pieces looking that way.

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Colorado users who try this furniture oil will likely notice just how thirsty their wood is. Our dry, high-altitude climate can be as harsh on wood as it on skin and hair. Wood pieces that go too long without being oiled splinter and break more easily. Wood that has been through a season or more without being oiled will sponge up this product and thank you with a refreshed sheen.

Industrial hemp seed oil can be used to make lubricants, paints, inks, fuel and even plastics. Given the success of this product, the home-improvement market seems ripe for even more hemp applications.  

Miss Mustard Seed’s Hemp Oil Wood Finish is $12 and up at, or find a local retailer at

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Gone Hemp: Miss Mustard Seed's Hemp Oil Wood Finish (review)

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