Tuesday 29 April 2014

Denver Direct: Proposed Changes to Rules and Regulations Regarding Marijuana

Civic Center Park 4/20/2014

City & County of Denver

Department of Parks and Recreation

Notice of Public Hearing regarding

Proposed Changes to Rules and Regulations

Notice is hereby given that effective June 12, 2014 the Parks and Recreation Rules and Regulations amendments will be amended to address the following issues: 

8A.0    Marijuana. (39-10)  The prohibition of the consumption, use, display, transfer, distribution, sale, or growth of marijuana, as specified herein, is important to the safe and harmonious public use of Park Facilities.

            8A.1:    Violation: The consumption, use, display, transfer, distribution, sale, or growth of marijuana in a Park Facility is prohibited.

The Administrative Citation Rules and Regulations for the Denver Department of Parks and Regulations, as adopted May 11, 2012, are hereby amended with respect to Attachment B (Penalty Fines) to add the following fine for violation of Section 39-10(c), D.R.M.C., regarding marijuana, which fine is in accordance with Section 39-10(d), D.R.M.C.:

Section 39-10(c)                     Marijuana                                $150.00

The existing provisions in Attachment B pertaining to a second offense within one year and a third offense within one year shall be applicable to violations involving marijuana.

A copy of the Rules and Regulations, as amended, is on file with the Manager of Parks and Recreation and is available for public inspection on the websitewww.denvergov.org/parksandrecreation. A public hearing will take place June 12 at 5:30 p.m. in the Wellington Webb Municipal Building located at 201 W Colfax Ave., 4th floor, room 4.F.6.

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