Tuesday 29 April 2014

Landlady found £160000 of cannabis growing in house

A landlady found £160,000 worth of cannabis growing in her house when she went to inspect the property after letting it out to a businessman.

Timothy Young set up the sophisticated cannabis farm in the garage of the five-bedroom house he was paying £1,200 a month to rent.

Young, 48, was caught after his landlady returned with her family to the UK to attend a family funeral and went to check on the property.

The owner knocked on the door of the house on Hollingthorpe Lane, Hall Green, Wakefield, and it was answered by a woman who claimed to be the cleaner. The landlady became suspicious as the property was unkempt and windows were boarded up. She phoned Young and he told her he was abroad and would not be able to get back to the house until the next day.

She then parked her car down street and watched as the woman who was in the house left a short time later.

The landlady then used her key to enter the house and noticed a strong smell of cannabis. She called police and 460 plants were found growing in the garage which was fitted with a hi-tech lighting and watering system.

Young, who owns a wholesale tyre business based in Spain, was jailed for three years after pleading guilty to producing a class B drug.

Leeds Crown Court heard the landlady was now faced with a £23,000 repair bill for damage caused to her home. After his arrest Young told police he set up the illegal enterprise to pay off a debt to Spanish gangsters. He was at Alicante airport on his way back to the UK when the discovery was made.

Keith Whitehouse, mitigating, said Young was sorry and had handed himself in when he realised police were looking for him. Judge Guy Kearl, QC, said: “It was plainly an extensive operation.”


Landlady found £160000 of cannabis growing in house

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