Sunday 27 April 2014

A Napier synthetic cannabis user warns against black market concoctions

The New Zealand Drug Foundation has warned that the new laws that will soon be in place to ban what was a legal high could mean addicts may withdraw without support and could boost black market sales.

After pressure from both the public and local government Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne did an about turn and will introduce legislation that would remove synthetic drugs from shelves within three weeks until they can be proven low-risk.

The New Zealand Drug Foundation boss Ross Bell said that neither the public nor politicians really understood the law and it was unfortunate politicians were reacting to recent negative media coverage rather than taking a measured approach.

He also said that if all the laws and regulations had been done at the same time the act was passed we would be in a much happier place.

Napier Mayor Bill Dalton has said that he was pleased by Peter Dunne’s decision to ban legal highs saying that it was criminal that they were ever legal in the first place.

A Napier synthetic cannabis user has said that once his supply runs out he will turn to smoking marijuana as the blackmarket concoctions could make you sick.


A Napier synthetic cannabis user warns against black market concoctions

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