Monday 28 April 2014

Marijuana, bears, and bibles: Letters

Marijuana law unfair

I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2006. I have tried all available legal drugs for MS, and nothing helps my symptoms as effectively as marijuana.

I am not a drug abuser or the stereotypical user. I am currently working on my master’s degree at a Christian university and have no desire to legalize any harmful drugs. My symptoms include tremors, loss of appetite, nausea and sleep problems, among others. Marijuana safely treats all of them.

I have previously been prescribed OxyContin to treat my pain. I refuse to take this drug because of its addictive nature and side effects. If I have to live in a vegetative-like state doped up on these powerful painkillers, I would simply question my desire to live.

Cannabis allows me to control my dosage and carry on my life. I feel that it is cruel that marijuana is available to patients outside of Florida, but illegal for me to use to safely treat my disease.

Jeffrey Irvin Hernando

Only affected should weigh in on bears

After reading all the Friday Back Talk comments on bears in Friday’s Sentinel and John Blonsick’s letter to the editor on Saturday, I have to ask how many of those people, who are pro-bear, anti-hunting and want the use of bear-proof garbage cans, live in areas with a bear problem?

Do these people have bear-proof garbage cans? Would these people like to have the trapped bears relocated to their area? Probably not, to both questions.

We have lived in the same house for 17 years; the first 13, we did not even see a bear. The past four years, we have had trouble every fall. My father once told me, it’s easy to fix someone else’s problem; however, when that problem is yours, it’s a different situation.

Michael Tugya Mount Dora

Senator off-base in column ripping GOP

The My Word column, “State’s GOP has left families in need,” by state Sen. Geraldine Thompson on Monday has me wondering about her clouded view of the world. She frets about the Florida Legislature not doing more to help expand opportunities for families.

She further states millions are struggling to get into the middle class, and many are trapped in a cycle of poverty.

How can Thompson — with a straight face — say such things? A significant portion of the population is subsidized by taxpayers with food-stamp benefits, rent-free housing and a multitude of other freebies. This has created a culture of dependency.

Thompson’s attempt to cater to her constituents lacks objectivity and thoughtfulness, and it should be clear to everyone that her arguments are tissue-thin.

Edward R. Hagler Orlando

Courtroom Bibles complaint misplaced

Saturday’s article “Judge criticized for teaming Bibles with court paperwork,” about the horror of having free Bibles within reach of criminals, was intriguing, to say the least.

The civil-liberation heroes of the Central Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers care as much about religious freedom as they do about hogs learning to quote Shakespeare. They detest Osceola County Judge Hal Epperson Jr. because he makes them work and do their jobs and not just skip down to Kissimmee for a fast $2,500 and a quick plea.


Marijuana, bears, and bibles: Letters

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