Friday 1 August 2014

Stressed Exeter cannabis user, 52, fined for growing his own supply

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A heavy cannabis user has been fined for growing his own supply to treat long standing problems of stress and anxiety.

Daniel Bennett, aged 52, was found with one healthy plant and 14 seedlings when police raided his flat in Exeter.

He also had more than half a kilogram of cannabis leaf or resin but told police it was all for his own use, Exeter Crown Court was told.

Bennett, of Goldsmith Street, Exeter, admitted the production of cannabis and was fined £250 with £175 costs by Judge Erik Salomonsen.

Miss Caroline Bolt, prosecuting, said Bennett’s home was searched by police on June 10 and a single plant measuring 40 cm was seized along with 14 seedlings and resin or bud weighing 684 grams.

He told the police:”I should be on valium but I don’t want to get addicted to that so I am using cannabis.” He said it was all for his personal use.

Mr Joss Ticehurst, defending, said the growing was on a very small scale and there was no evidence any of the seedlings would reach maturity.

He said:”He was growing cannabis to feed what quite clearly is an addiction. He suffers from anxiety and is on incapacity benefit.”

The judge told him:”You have been smoking cannabis for many years and although you may not accept it, it has a serious effect on health.

“You are a man who has smoked cannabis for 20 years and has symptoms for which you believe cannabis is the cure.”


Stressed Exeter cannabis user, 52, fined for growing his own supply

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