Saturday 26 April 2014

Willie Nelson's daughter advocates legalizing marijuana after possession arrest last Sunday

Willie Nelson’s daughter was arrested last Sunday for marijuana possession, something her famous father knows about.

Country singer Paula Nelson today told KVUE about her parents’ reactions and that her arrest was not a publicity stunt.

The Paula Nelson Band had just spent two weeks performing in Colorado where recreational marijuana is legal and received some “souvenirs.” The band then headed back home to Texas.

“We were driving back from Colorado, which of course it’s now recreationally legal, and because of my lineage I get a lot of gifts while we’re there,” said Nelson.

Those gifts were in the van when she was pulled over for speeding in Menard, which is two hours west of Austin. The officer found less than two ounces of weed and some edible treats containing pot. 

“I really didn’t know what the right thing to do was,” said Nelson. “They asked if they could search and I said okay, and I pretty much knew what was going to happen after that.”

She was arrested and taken to jail where she spent ten hours. When she posted her arrest picture on Facebook, she was surprised at the amount of hate speech regarding police.

“It wasn’t their fault. They were doing their jobs and they were upholding a law that shouldn’t be a law,” Nelson told KVUE.

When her parent’s found out, Nelson’s mom was worried but her dad just laughed. That’s probably because Willie Nelson has himself been arrested three times for Marijuana possession.

The father and daughter pair are both advocates for legalizing marijuana, a discussion she hopes will gain more notice because of her own ordeal.She said that alcohol and tobacco kill people, but marijuana only has a “bad rap.”

Some have questioned if the arrest was all for her own publicity.But even though Paula Nelson’s CD sales have doubled since last Sunday, she insisted that this was not a publicity stunt.

According to Texas law, those convicted of possessing marijuana can face up to 180 days in jail and a two thousand dollar fine.





Willie Nelson's daughter advocates legalizing marijuana after possession arrest last Sunday

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