Thursday 31 July 2014

opium, hemp wick, and a oil burner bubble

You mean a glass pipe?
I’ve heard (citation needed, etc) this is too hot (?) for opium, and that hot-knifing or even using foil may have better results.
But I’ve never heard of anyone successfully vaping opium out of a glass pipe (if what I envision an “oil burner bubble” is correct?)

And not to be off topic, but my personal opinion is that orally consumed opium was always my preferred way of taking opiates. More than pharms, at any rate.
Smoking it is ok IME (I got best results adding it to weed – so not a good example, granted) but nothing comes close to the oral use of full spectrum alkaloids – for pain, addiction maintenance or anything (except kicks – because I don’t really want to encourage people to take opiates in search of ‘kicks’).

Just my 2 cents;
If I was still using, or needed pain relief – and I could source good opium, I’d take it orally. Just be careful, potency is hard to judge with anything of this nature.


opium, hemp wick, and a oil burner bubble

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