Saturday 19 July 2014

Burton repeat drug offender jailed

Where is it Burton Magistrates court

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A DRUG pusher from Burton was caught dealing four times in as many months, a court heard.

Jobless Steven Reilly took to selling cannabis to fund his habit after being put out of work.

Police first picked him up in the Middleway Park retail and entertainment complex, in Burton, on October 7, Stafford Crown Court heard.

Fiona Cortese, prosecuting, said Reilly had £20 worth of cannabis, a collection of resealable bags, £55 in cash and a mobile phone with text messages about supplying drugs on it with him.

A few days later, in St Paul’s Street West, officers stopped him again with £5 worth of mephadrone, £120 in cash, resealable bags and a phone with drug dealing text messages on it.

On October 16, his luck ran out again in Victoria Crescent and police seized £50 worth of cannabis in five bags.

His fourth and final arrest was on January 31 this year.

Officers saw him on a bike and despite trying to pedal away fast, he was caught and arrested with two bags of cannabis worth £20.

Reilly said to the officers: “I’ve only just fetched that.”

Reilly, 21, of Wellington Street, Burton, was sentenced to nine months in prison suspended for a year. He admitted two charges of possessing drugs with intent to supply between October 6, 2013 and February 1 this year.

Recorder Ms Tina Landale told him: “You have, over a period of time, demonstrated a staggering persistence to continue dealing in cannabis.

“You lied through your teeth at the beginning of the investigation, ultimately pleading guilty. The offending, although persistent, was of a relatively low level. There is no doubt, when you are not in a cannabis haze, you can see things clearly.”

Rashad Mohammed, defending, said the total worth of all the drugs involved was just £97.

He had been using cannabis casually for about five or six years and was able to pay for it while he was working, but was then laid off. The profit he made from dealing was ‘minimal’.


Burton repeat drug offender jailed

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