Saturday 19 July 2014

Florida Medical Marijuana Dangerous? Calvina Fay Claims Legal Weed Amendment Is Really ...

Will be Florida’s medical marijuana be dangerous? Long-time legal weed critic Calvina Fay seems to think so, saying that if pot is legalized in the Sunshine state then it will really be recreational marijuana in disguise.

In a related report by The Inquisitr, marijuana business opportunities are unfortunately limited to the already rich based upon the high entry cost, although obviously it’s worth getting into the game because one major Seattle store was forced to close… due to running out of pot to sell. The good news is that one major barrier just came down since the House just made it legal for banks to accept money from marijuana businesses.

There have been a chorus of critics opposing the slow-moving wave of marijuana legalization hitting the United States. Nora Volkow is the head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and she claims that marijuana legalization could be more dangerous than already legal tobacco and alcohol. But supporters of pot legalization claim that marijuana research has been suppressed in order to benefit certain parties, so it’s difficult to say what is true with 100 percent certainty.

This coming fall, Florida’s marijuana amendment will be voted on by the public. Prescriptions for medical cannabis are supposed to be limited to certain conditions only, but Calvina Fay, executive director of the Drug Free America Foundation, claims the wording of the amendment is too overly broad:

“Let’s not kid ourselves. This (amendment) will be a de facto legalization… A big marijuana industry will be legalized if it passes, and make no mistake, it will be promoted to kids. It’s not about medicine.”

In addition, Fay claims Colorado’s recreational marijuana is dangerous, with the state having “an increase in car crashes, DUIs, and fatal slip-and-fall accidents.” Proponents of Florida’s medical marijuana amendment point out that Denver’s crime rate dropped significantly this year, but police claim marijuana and the crime rate cannot be correlated and instead say the improvement was due to a change in police tactics during that time frame.

Fay also claims medical marijuana will become another OxyContin Express, which allowed patients to load up on pain pills due to low regulations. Amendment 2 would authorize doctors to use marijuana to treat patients with either a debilitating condition or other conditions where the doctor believes benefits from marijuana outweigh health risks.

Ben Pollara, campaign manager of United for Care, believes the argument that Florida will have a “pot express” is bogus:

“They’re not saying anything new. I don’t think their arguments are based on fact or reality but on emotion. Under no scenario will you be able to just walk into a doctor’s office and walk out with marijuana.”

What do you think about Florida’s medical marijuana amendment? Do you think the Sunshine state should allow for recreational weed?


Florida Medical Marijuana Dangerous? Calvina Fay Claims Legal Weed Amendment Is Really ...

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