Sunday 20 July 2014

Medical Marijuana On Back Burner

A Lakeshore resident shares his concerns with council over a proposed bylaw to regulate hemp and medical marijuana production at its regular meeting on July 15, 2014. (Photo by Ricardo Veneza)

Lakeshore council is pushing off a bylaw regulating medical marijuana and hemp production in the town until more information can come forward.

Mayor Tom Bain thinks they can be flexible with timelines in order to get the bylaw right — but hopes it’s sorted out in three to four months.

“It’s a matter that needs to be dealt with fairly soon and you also got residents who are sitting there, concerned with ‘what’s coming in my neighbourhood,’” says Bain. “There were a lot of questions that we need answers [to].”

The proposed bylaw would mean any medical marijuana or hemp facility would have to be at least 150-metres from a residential zone or from any day nursery, school or any centre aimed primarily at children less than 16 years old.

Council will get a report back from administration with more information on resident concerns.


Medical Marijuana On Back Burner

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