Thursday 30 October 2014

Who's voting on marijuana this November

Oregon isn’t the only state pondering whether to lift its restrictions on marijuana.

Alaska, Washington, D.C., and Florida have their own November ballot initiatives that range from legalizing medical marijuana to permitting possession of recreational pot and, of course, all out legalization.

The success of these ballot initiatives could signal that a national momentum is building for legalization — something marijuana advocates say is inevitable.

National opponents of legalization like Smart Approaches to Marijuana claim that legalization — inevitable or not — would create an industry much like big tobacco, in other words one that that would profit from the marketing of a drug to children and teens.

With a lot at stake for both sides, here’s what the ballot initiatives in other states would do if implemented and how the campaigns are faring as we head into Election Day.


Ballot Measure 2 in Alaska would allow adults who are 21 and older to possess up to one ounce of marijuana and to cultivate up to six plants. It would also decriminalize the manufacture, sale and possession of marijuana paraphernalia.

Like Oregon, the law would prohibit public consumption and allow cities to place additional restrictions as well as outright bans on the marijuana businesses.

The proposal places a $50 per ounce tax on the sale or transfer of marijuana from a grower to a retail store or business that manufactures marijuana products.

Alaska Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich as well as Gov. Sean Parnell and his opponent, Bill Walker, have all urged a no vote on the measure.

The Yes on Ballot Measure 2 is primarily funded by a Washington, D.C.-based group called the Marijuana Policy Project, which has donated more than $700,000.


Initiative 71 would allow Washington D.C. residents who are 21 or older to possess up to two ounces of marijuana for personal use and grow up to six plants at home as long as only three of those plants are mature at any one time.

Unlike the proposals in Oregon and Alaska, this initiative doesn’t address the regulation and legalization of marijuana sales.

The law would allow for the transfer but not the sale of marijuana.

Initiative backers say they expect the D.C. city council to address this issue if the measure passes.

The Public Policy Polling firm shows Initiative 71 with a 52 to 35 percent lead as of last week. With 13 percent of D.C. voters still undecided, the measure isn’t guaranteed a win,. But it’s polling better than Measure 91 in Oregon.

A poll conducted for The Oregonian and KGW earlier this week showed legalization supporters 2 percentage points behind with 7 percent undecided.


Amendment 2 would make Florida the first state in the South to legalize medical marijuana as a treatment for certain ailments like cancer, multiple sclerosis and AIDS.

Like the marijuana law in Oregon, the Florida Health Department would be responsible for regulating patient cards, caregiver cards and setting limits for personal possession.

A quirky fact in this election is that Florida law requires referred amendments win a super majority of 60 percent.

Polling in the Sunshine State shows a close race for medical marijuana.

That could be due in part to the large contributions made by Sheldon Adelson, a casino executive from Nevada who heavily funded Republicans presidential candidates in 2012.

Adelson has donated $5 million to the opposition campaign — which is about 86 percent of the total amount raised.


In Oregon, the Drug Policy Alliance, based in New York and backed by the billionaire investor George Soros, has led the charge, contributing at least $780,000 this year, according to state records, making up about 35 percent of the cash raised by the main committee supporting legalization.

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Who's voting on marijuana this November

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