Two doctors, both of whom have run private practices in Florida for decades, see the legalization of medical marijuana in Florida from different perspectives.

Dr. Stephanie Haridopolos wrote the resolution brought to the Florida Medical Association against the amendment that would legalize medical marijuana in Florida.

Haridopolos said she is opposed to the passage of Amendment 2.

“Just allowing people to smoke for any medical condition is not the way to go,” Haridopolos said.

Dr. Anne Morgan serves on Palm Beach County Medical Society’s newly formed Medical Marijuana Task Force. She supports the measure.

“The information, the research, the science is so overwhelming that not to do it
would be unconscionable,” Morgan said.

Haridopolos and Morgan said overdosing on marijuana is highly unlikely. Neither were familiar with any known overdose cases. They also agree smoking marijuana does come with potential side effects, like bronchitis and increased risk of neck and lung cancer.

Morgan and Haridopolos said marijuana use can also contribute to short-term memory loss.

Addiction, however, is a point of departure.

Haridopolos maintains medical marijuana is addictive, but According to Morgan, medical marijuana is not addictive but can contribute to dependency.

The impact on a patient’s mental health is another place their medical opinions differ.

“It can induce psychosis in somebody with the propensity for schizophrenia,” said Morgan, who insisted for most patients it is not a risk.

“There’s a six-time increase in psychosis in people who heavily smoke marijuana,” Haridopolos said.

While their views on the politics of pot are different, both said they’re just looking out for their patients.